100 Million Jobs Through TikTok? It Could Happen!

May 7, 2024 thehrobserver-hrobserver-tiktok

In the bustling city of London, Milimo Banji, a Gen Z entrepreneur, has set a remarkable goal. “It’s a massive challenge,” he said, “but there’s something that really drives us, which is to aim for big, hairy, audacious goals.”

As the founder of Tapin, a groundbreaking platform aiming to revolutionise the job market for Gen Z, Banji was acutely aware of the vast opportunities and daunting obstacles ahead. 

“We are conscious that in the UK alone, or Europe, or worldwide, there are more than a hundred million Gen Z individuals,” he told The HR Observer in an interview. “The vision for us is to be global. We want to be a global organisation supporting a multitude of Gen Z individuals and young people who are based in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia,” he explained. This would be achieved by leveraging technology and social media as their conduits.

Milimo recognised the influence of platforms like TikTok and other social media in shaping the modern world, especially for the younger generation. “Last year, TikTok surpassed Google in search volume, with 67% of that driven by young people,” he pointed out. 

“To reach our ambitious goal of supporting 100 million young individuals, we must harness the potential of social media and technology,” he added.

Tapin embarked on its mission, using TikTok as a platform to revolutionise the job market. With the rise of influencers and viral content, Banji saw an opportunity to connect young job seekers with prospective employers in innovative ways.

“We realised that recruitment strategies needed a paradigm shift,” he explained, adding that it is not about traditional methods. It’s about understanding where Gen Z spends their time and engaging with them there.

Tapin has conducted extensive research, analysing the perceptions and experiences of young people in the workplace. Armed with insights, they crafted a comprehensive strategy that encompasses attraction, recruitment, and retention. 

They had to rethink every step of the process, from how they reach potential candidates to how they onboard and retain them. “What does an internal retention strategy look like? It’s an overarching strategy that begins with research and works its way through to retention,” he added.

“What does that internal retention strategy look like? So it’s an overarching strategy which begins with research and works its way through to our retention,” he added. 

Tapin’s approach is dynamic and agile, adapting to the evolving landscape of social media and technology. They collaborate with influencers, create engaging content, and leverage AI to streamline the recruitment process.

“The data suggests that 80% of these young people are spending their time on social media. So, yes, you need to include social media as part of your strategy,” he explained. 

You can watch the full interview here


The HR Observer

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