More Tech Workers Looking to go Freelance

May 15, 2024 thehrobserver-hrobserver-freelancetechworkers

More than a third of tech professionals are looking for contract work as the demand for freelancers increases within that sector, a survey finds.

Tenth Revolution Group has surveyed more than 1,500 tech professionals in a third said they are seeing freelance or contract work in their immediate future. 

“Ultimately, it’s not about a clear winner here, as contract and permanent roles will always co-exist, but this new data does give us a great snapshot of current attitudes amongst tech professionals,” said Tenth Revolution Group Chairman and CEO James Lloyd-Townshend.

Earlier in April, Fiverr revealed that up to 90% of tech executives are hiring freelancers in high-stress periods. A trend that shows that integrating freelancers into the core workforce is on the rise.

More companies are bringing freelancers on board to decentralise the workload, but also more tech workers are becoming interested in these jobs to relieve themselves from the stress of their work.

“I think this speaks to an increasing preparedness on the part of tech professionals to navigate the shifting landscape of the labor market–including the much-reported decline of the long-term tech dream job’.The other side of this, however, is the increasing appeal of the freelance lifestyle and both the flexibility and variety it can offer,” said Lloyd-Townshend.


The HR Observer

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