Exclusive Report: The State Of DEI In The UAE Workplace In 2023


HR decision-makers and employees in the UAE seem to agree it’s time for organisations to roll up their sleeves and push for better DEI in the workplace.

Right now, UAE-based organisations face criticism from workers about how seriously they’re taking DEI. However, those that demonstrate commitment to the cause reap the rewards of better reputation and staff morale.

After all, a huge majority (86%) of UAE-based employees who say their company values diversity also reveal they would recommend it to others as a great place to work. In addition, 85% of employees state they feel inspired to do their best at work as a result of their organisation’s commitment to DEI.

One step in the right direction would be for individual organisations in the UAE to develop an understanding of the current state of DEI in their workplace. A great way to accomplish this is conducting anonymous employee engagement surveys to collect feedback on.

Culture Amp has prepared this report to know how employees feel about DEI. These surveys help leaders understand employee sentiment, identify areas for improvement, and devise data-driven strategies and targets for the whole team to aim for.

To read more, download the report below. 

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