Employers, Union Tentatively Agree to End Strikes at German Airports

April 8, 2024 thehrobserver-hrobserver-germanairports

Verdi, the German trade union, has reached a pay agreement for approximately 25,000 security personnel to prevent further strike actions.

A conflict with 11 airports across Germany, has triggered a strikes at some of Germany’s busiest terminals, resulting in numerous flight cancellations on multiple strike days.

This agreement follows an arbitration process that was initiated on Friday at a undisclosed location, according to DW.

Verdi will not call for further strikes until the Der Bundesverband der Luftsicherheitsunternehmen (BDLS) employers’ association and the union agree or not over the recommended arbitration.

In a statement, BDLS said mediators have recommended an increase in wage hikes between 13.1% and 15.1% within 15 months for some 25,000 airport security workers.

Wolfgang Pieper who is Verdi’s negotiator said that the ongoing discussions are around salary increases and bonuses for trainers and managers.


The HR Observer

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