39% of Global Knowledge Workers Will Turn Hybrid by the End of 2023

March 8, 2023 thehrobserver-hrobserver-hybrid

Hybrid is no longer just an employee perk but an employee expectation.

Gartner expects 39% of global knowledge workers will work hybrid by the end of 2023, a figure that is up from 37% in 2022.

“Hybrid is no longer just an employee perk but an employee expectation,” said Ranjit Atwal, Senior Director Analyst at Gartner in a statement. 

“Many employees started to partially return to the office in 2022, but the hybrid workstyle will remain prominent in 2023 and beyond. To adapt, employers have been implementing a human-centric work design – including flexibility, intentional collaboration and empathy-based management – which suits hybrid employees,” added Atwal.

The research firm said that IT workers are more inclined to quit their jobs than employees in other functions as they look for greater flexibility, improved work-life balance and better career opportunities. 

The consultant company defines hybrid workers as workers who work in the office at least one day a week. Meanwhile, they said that fully remote workers who function fully, those working from home all the time, are  expected to continue to fall year over year. 

Gartner estimates that remote workers will represent only 9% of all employees worldwide by the end of 2023.

“For remote-first or hybrid organissations, fully mature virtual workspaces may replace the office as the embodiment of company culture and become the center of the digital employee experience,” said Christopher Trueman, Senior Principal Analyst at Gartner in a statement. 

“However, employees should not be expected to engage in the virtual workspace for their entire workday. Virtual workspaces should only be used for meetings and interactions that will be enhanced by them, such as brainstorming, product reviews, or social gatherings.”

Gartner said that the way employees decide to work depends from one country to another. For example, Japanese employers are focused more on employees returning to the office full time.

In Europe, hybrid style of work is projected to increase in 2023. 

“In Germany, fully remote and hybrid knowledge workers will account for 49% of the German workforce in 2023,” reported Gartner. 

Meanwhile, in the U.S. the number of fully and remote and hybrid knowledge workers will account for 71% of the U.S. workforce in 2023. 

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